Saturday, May 26, 2012

Smoked Tuna Salad

What you will need: Large pot, lighter, 4 squares of unscented toilet paper, can of tuna in olive oil, pitcher of water or fire extinguisher.

Open can of tuna and do not drain. Press toilet paper squares into oil and put into the pot.

Take the pot, the water, and your lighter and go outside as this will smoke a little bit.
Light corner of the toilet paper and let it burn.

Let burn for 10-15 minutes. Sizzling and popping sounds are normal.

Fire will burn out on it's own when all the oil is burned off and it will stop smoking.
You can safely take it inside now. 

Using tongs, carefully remove tuna can from pot, and remove toilet paper from the tuna.
Let cool completely, and prepare as you wish.
I used mayo, onion, lemon juice, and a little bit of garlic.